Mail Archives: djgpp/1995/02/26/22:40:05

Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 17:49:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Kimberley Burchett <OKRA AT max DOT tiac DOT net>
Sender: Kimberley Burchett <OKRA AT max DOT tiac DOT net>
Reply-To: Kimberley Burchett <OKRA AT max DOT tiac DOT net>
Subject: topline
To: DJGPP Mailing List <djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu>

  Is it me or is topline not updated when I free something?
  I was concerned that my program seemed to be taking 3 times as much 
memory as it should, so I traced through it to make sure it was calling 
free.  It was, but topline didn't change.
  This is how my program seems to go:

  malloc 230k      - topline goes up 475k
  free 50k         - topline stays where it is
  malloc 77k       - topline goes up 120k
  free 77k         - topline stays where it is

  Obviously at least some of this is still my fault.  But I was _there_
when it free'ed memory - I _saw_ it happen... and topline didn't do
anything at all.  It just sat there, letting all this innocent memory get 
massacred.  How can I stand by and watch this atrocity?  Please, someone, 
help me end this!

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