Mail Archives: djgpp/1995/08/05/22:12:17

Date: 05 Aug 95 21:27:12 EDT
From: David Smith <73240 DOT 1666 AT compuserve DOT com>
To: djgpp <djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu>
Subject: Getting Started...

I hate this kind of question, but I also hate being stuck.  I am attempting
to install DJGPP Ada from the Walnut Creek CD_ROM, which claims to be a copy
of the April 95 PAL.
I have rigorously followed the instructions, first unzipping the 4 files:
which appears to have succeeded in that I have an apparently good set of
directories under DJGPP.
I came off the rails in README.DOS in not finding the files Features and
gnatinfo.txt.  Forging ahead without them,  the next paragraph says to
cd examples and type "make".  As you can imagine,  make didn't know what to
make, and said so.  I tried "make hello" which ground along happily for a
while, but after linking, gave me a list of undefined stuff including 'main'
which indicated there was something rotten going on.
One possible scenario is interference between the djgpp C and the Microsoft
C now installed and (I hope) still operational.  However, the SET stuff you
recommend does not appear to conflict.
Any ideas?
                       David Smith

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