Mail Archives: djgpp/1995/08/26/21:21:25

Xref: comp.os.msdos.djgpp:1764
From: mfeldman AT seas DOT gwu DOT edu (Michael Feldman)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Announcement of free Ada 83 and Ada 95 IDE/compiler kit
Date: 25 Aug 1995 22:54:31 -0400
Organization: George Washington University
Lines: 110
To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Dj-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Announcing the GW ez2load Ada Compiler and Tutorial Kit for MS-DOS
July 1995

Prof. Michael B. Feldman 
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
The George Washington University Washington, DC 20052 
(202) 994-5919 (voice) 
(202) 994-5296 (fax) 
mfeldman AT seas DOT gwu DOT edu (Internet)

We are happy to announce the first release of ez2load, an easy-install
kit of free Ada 83 and Ada 95 compilers and editors, and a shareware
tutorial for Ada 95.

This kit is intended primarily for distribution on the forthcoming 
new release of the Walnut Creek Ada CD-ROM, but it is equally useful 
as an ftp or diskette distribution. THe various components are all 
available separately from their usual ftp sites, but we think putting
them all together in one easy-install package with be of great help
to users, especially new ones.

Included  in the ez2load kit are:

- a menu-driven installer program

- GW-Ada/Ed, an integrated Ada 83 environment that provides an excellent
  way to get started with Ada. This system incorporates an editor,
  compiler and virtual-code interpreter, and a very useful multi-window
  runtime monitor. Several directories of interesting example programs
  are provided, including some nice programs to demonstrate Ada's
  multitasking capabilities. Based on NYU's Ada/Ed compiler,
  GW-Ada/Ed was developed by Charles Kann, GW doctoral student,
  and Arthur Vargas Lopes, a GW graduate now of Porto Alegre, Brazil.

- GNAT (GNU/NYU Ada Translator) for DOS, an Ada 95 compiler that runs
  under djgpp (GCC for DOS) and provides a nearly-complete implementation
  of Ada 95. (Tasking is not yet supported in the DOS version of GNAT.)
  A basic djgpp distribution is included in the kit and installed along
  with GNAT. GNAT is a product of a team at New York University and

- GW-GNAT, an editor with the same look-and-feel as that of GW-Ada/Ed.

- AdaCAPS (Ada Computer-Aided Programming System), an interactive development 
  environment for GNAT. The editor provides full support for multiple 
  re-sizable windows (overlaid or tiled), mouse and keystroke interactions, 
  and single-keystroke invocation of GNAT compilation, binding, and execution 
  commands. Ken Price of Priceless Software, Perpperell, Mass, is the
  author of this very nice IDE.

- a set of simple DOS command-line commands, gcompile/glink/gexecute,
  which allow new GNAT users to do simple compilation and linking
  operations, and to execute programs in an environment that produces
  a neatly-formatted traceback in case of an unhandled exception.
  These commands are invoked by GW-GNAT and AdaCAPS but can also be run 
  from the DOS command line. Charles Kann is the author.

- a fast hypertext Ada 95 Reference Manual. The hypertext RM can be invoked 
  from GW-GNAT and AdaCAPS or used as a stand-alone program. The author
  is Arthur Vargas Lopes.

- AVLAda9X - a prototype of an integrated, very fast Ada 95 programming
  environment under development by Arthur Vargas Lopes.

- Ada-Tutor - a shareware package by John Herro, providing computer-aided 
  instruction in Ada 95. This is an excellent package for those wishing
  to teach themselves Ada 95.

Acquiring ez2load by anonymous ftp:

The ez2load suite is available from in the directory
pub/ada/ez2load, and also from the Public Ada Library (
and its mirrors, in the directory languages/ada/compiler/ez2load.

Here are all the files to copy from the ftp directory:

        readme - This readme file
        ginstall.exe - Program to do the install from a hard disk.
        dinstall.exe - Program to do the install if you use diskettes.
        install.scr - This script files gives options to the install program.
        unzip.exe - unzip, used to unzip distribution files.
        README.DSK - A readme file to explain how to use this distribution
                     to make a diskette distribution. - Zip files containing GW-Ada/Ed. - Zip file containing adatutor. - Zip file containing avlada9x - Zip files containing djgpp, GNAT, GW-GNAT, and AdaCAPS.

Download the first six files, and any or all of the zip files, into
a "clean" single directory of your choosing, then change to that
directory and type "ginstall". 

The complete distribution occupies about 8.5 megabytes; the unpacked
and installed GNAT distribution requires about 15 megabytes, and the
full installation needs about 20 mb. You need an MS-DOS computer with 
an 80386 or better CPU; 4 megabytes minimum RAM, 8 mb preferred.


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