Mail Archives: djgpp/1996/03/26/12:05:16

From: kagel AT quasar DOT bloomberg DOT com
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 11:58:33 -0500
Message-Id: < >
To: j DOT aldrich6 AT genie DOT com
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
In-Reply-To: <> (
Subject: Re: XMODEM File: MAKE.OUT
Reply-To: kagel AT dg1 DOT bloomberg DOT com

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   From: j DOT aldrich6 AT genie DOT com
   Date: Tue, 26 Mar 96 06:45:00 UTC 0000
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   I feel very stupid, but I have been having this problem with a makefile
   I am trying to write that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

   Whenever I run make on the makefile, it gives the following error,
   no matter what arguments I pass:

   makefile:10: *** missing separator.  Stop.

   I know that the makefile isn't perfected, but I was hoping to get
   a more specific error message than this.  I have tried numerous
   revisions to get rid of it, but it just keeps popping up.  A search of
   the info file for make turns up no reference to the word 'separator'

   Here's the makefile.  All I want to know is why that particular error
   is happening.
   --- cut here ---
   CC      = gcc
   C_FLAGS = -Wall -g -O

   TARGETS := $(wildcard lab*. proj*. lab*.exe proj*.exe)

   .PHONY: all
   all: $(TARGETS) ;

   $(TARGETS): %.c pr_echo.o
	   $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -o $(*).exe $< pr_echo.o -lpc
	   @-del $(*).o
Make certain that this spacing is a <TAB> character not spaces

   pr_echo.o: pr_echo.c
	   $(CC) $(C_FLAGS) -c pr_echo.c
Make certain that this spacing is a <TAB> character not spaces

   --- end ---

GNU make, like all UNIX makes is sensitive to target commands beginning with
tabs.  Some DOS based makes were more forgiving.  Makgin certain that all 
commands begin with a tab should solve this problem.

Art S. Kagel, kagel AT dg1 DOT bloomberg DOT com

A proverb is no proverb to you 'till life has illustrated it.  -- John Keats

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