Mail Archives: djgpp/1996/07/20/21:55:03

From: j DOT aldrich6 AT genie DOT com
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 96 01:18:00 UTC 0000
To: ntcollie AT midway DOT uchicago DOT edu
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: ASM source of library func

Reply to message 2939452    from NTCOLLIE AT MIDW on 07/19/96  9:08PM

>How do I view the asm source of library functions. For example, if I have some
>function that calls memset and compile it with -S the assembly source merely
>says "call _memset" when I want to see the asm source of memset. Is there a
>another command line switch or a source file I can look at.

Well, the library code is (ta-dum!) contained in the libraries, and as such
isn't actually linked until the compiler calls ld.  I suppose you could
extract the object files from libc.a and disassemble them, but a much
easier way would be to download the library sources (
and paw through them to find memset.  I just checked, and you can
find 'memset.s' in '<DJGPP>/src/libc/ansi/string'.  (<DJGPP> is your
DJGPP dir.)

Warning:  the sources take about 10 megs unzipped, partially because
of cluster size.  :)  Alternatively, I could simply email it to you if you
However, I recommend getting the whole source distribution because
it can be enormously helpful.


P.S.:  In case you're wondering the command I used to locate memset
was this:

<in the SRC directory>

C:\DJGPP\SRC> find . -type d -exec grep "memset" {}/*.* ;

Find and grep are enormously useful for this sort of thing; if you want
them, look for find?? and grep?? in the v2gnu directory.

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