Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/02/04/15:39:13

From: afn03257 AT freenet3 DOT afn DOT org (Daniel P Hudson)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: RE: DJGPP vs Borland C++
Date: 4 Feb 1997 14:11:13 GMT
Lines: 29
Message-ID: <5d7g21$>
References: <19970203 DOT 183342 DOT 4575 DOT 3 DOT chambersb AT juno DOT com>
Reply-To: afn03257 AT afn DOT org"Dan"
NNTP-Posting-User: afn03257
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

> and the results are ALWAYS the same. I exceed very well in logical
> areas, and score low in abstract/creative areas. I scored in the
> Nations top 10% for the California Critical Thinking Test, and

>I'm sorry, the Nation's top ten for California???  You said you
>excelled in logic, remember???

 Unfortunately, without knowing what the test is, this is a logical
 assumption; however....

 The CCTT was developed at, Oh forget it, let me simplify.
 I took the CCTT in Florida. Florida is a state that is
 not part of California. This means that the term California in the 
 name of the test refers to the place it was
 developed [UC or is it CU?]. It is a standard test of logic skills
 required for various programs and ALL medical programs in
 several states and especially Florida.

>I think the problem is that this thread is getting so long I'm getting
>confused :)  I usually don't bother to remember WHO said what in a
>thread, only what WAS SAID - so in long threads, I naturally lose track

>Sorry for anyone being confused by my inattention, I'll try to be more
>careful in the future.

 I think Dave also became confused. Several of his statements resembled 
 Eli's comments about G++ rather than my comments about BC++. But I 
 regress. I know what I said, and that is all that matters.

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