Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/02/12/08:57:33

From: "A.Appleyard" <A DOT APPLEYARD AT fs2 DOT mt DOT umist DOT ac DOT uk>
Organization: Materials Science Centre
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 13:44:55 GMT
Subject: Windows 95
Message-ID: <>

  I wrote for my department a while ago a Gnu C++ program with graphics and
compiled it under v1. It still runs OK under DOS 6.** . But I just now
installed it on a student's new PC that has Windows 95 in, and I found that,
when run under Windows 95:-
  (0) Whoever wrote Windows 95 must have come out of a UFO. For a start, in it
I badly miss the DOS Editor and the TREE command.
  (1) fopen(,) treats the filename e.g. `zxcvbnm' as `zxcvb', and
`asdfghjkl.pcx' as `asdfghj.pcx'.I.e. something removes the last two
characters before the dot <before> truncating the name to 8.3 characters. What
does this? Does it always happen?
  (2) How can a Gnu C++ program find if it is running under Windows 95 or not?
I need to know because of a complication involving graphics.
  (3) How can a program select between DOS 6 - type and Windows 95 - type
handling of filenames when handling files?

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