Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/04/03/18:11:22

Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 06:05:22 -0800
From: "John M. Aldrich" <fighteer AT cs DOT com>
Reply-To: fighteer AT cs DOT com
Organization: Two pounds of chaos and a pinch of salt
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Casey Corcoran <ckcorcor AT p5 DOT csrd DOT uiuc DOT edu>
CC: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Building djgpp on NT machine (was Nmake for WinNT 3.5 utilities)
References: <Pine DOT LNX DOT 3 DOT 95 DOT 970403093737 DOT 15388D-100000 AT p5 DOT csrd DOT uiuc DOT edu>

Casey Corcoran wrote:
> Question 1:  Which make program are you using?

GNU Make, distributed with the djgpp programs in 'v2gnu/'.

> Question 2:  Which "src" directory?  The djgpp sources distribution has
> all of the source in the ??\gnu\gcc-2721 directory.  This is where I am
> starting from, anyway.

The djgpp/src directory.  Don't worry about all the subdirectories - the
various internal makefiles for the source packages handles all that.  If
you look at the "makeall.bat" file in the root source directory, it
contains commands to change to each of the subdirectories and build the
programs therein.  There is a huge network of interdependent makefiles
there, and it's an incredible mess to sort out by yourself.

Of course, if you just want to build one particular package, then you
can run the makefile directly from that package's root directory.  For
example, if gcc is in /src/gnu/gcc-2721, then all you need to do is go
to that directory and type "make".  You may need to use "make install"
as well; I'm not sure.  You do NOT need to run the configure scripts;
the djgpp sources are already fully configured and modified so that they
will work in DOS.  The idea is that you _can_, if necessary, rebuild any
part of the compiler and tools by yourself right out of the box.

> Also, rmake doesn't exist on my NT machine.

It is a special program created by the makefile in the main source
directory.  I think it comes in '', but I'm not sure.  Hold
on a sec... yep, that's where it is.  You have to run make from the root
source directory before running the 'makeall' batch file.  'rmake' is
used to recursively build libc.a and libm.a from their component

> OK, I got the base library sources . . . what about the (the
> development kit and runtime)?

You need that if you want to build djgpp using the existing tools.  In
fact, you need it anyway because it contains all the internal
configuration files that are needed by the compiler.  To perform a
minimal build of djgpp with the available tools, you need at least the
following packages:

   v2/    (not strictly necessary, but helpful to have)
   v2gnu/  (for Unix-style file utilities: rm, mv, etc.)
   v2gnu/  (for the 'makeinfo' program to build the docs)
   v2misc/ (if you don't have a native DPMI host)

> Agreed, but I am working on a project to make a new front end for gpp,
> and, for that, we need to be able to build the whole compiler.

You can use the compiler to bootstrap itself.  Since it's all running on
a DOS box (or an emulated DOS box, in the case of NT), you can use the
already existing binaries to recompile the gcc source, and then proceed
from there.  You won't have much luck building gcc with MS Visual C, for
example!  ;)

John M. Aldrich, aka Fighteer I <fighteer AT cs DOT com>

Version: 3.1
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O- M-- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP- t+(-) 5- X- R+(++) tv+() b+++ DI++ D++ G>++
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