Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/04/05/13:33:40

From: dlpsw AT sound DOT net (Doug Parish)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: FreeWin95 Project
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 23:25:29 GMT
Organization: Antioch Family Worship Center
Lines: 56
Message-ID: <>
References: <01bc07a2$6d6d3060$46031fc8 AT nextsite-server> <5fjhv8$fkj AT james DOT freenet DOT hamilton DOT on DOT ca> <5gchhj$49q AT james DOT freenet DOT hamilton DOT on DOT ca>
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

On 14 Mar 1997 16:56:03 -0500, af329 AT james DOT freenet DOT hamilton DOT on DOT ca
(Scott Nudds) wrote:

>Da Borg <vlad_imip AT uniserve DOT com> wrote:
>: Once gain, Scotty boy is showing off his ignorance. How come
>: I have over 1600 executables in my /bin, /sbin and /usr/sbin?
>: Over 300 of those are X-based.
>  Because Unix is a bloated piece of crap.

Unix is hardly a bloated piece of crap, my friend.  From a
programmer's standpoint Unix is quite the opposite, windows and
comparable operating systems including the mac os are bloated with
huge api's that are hardly worth using many times, unix is great for
raw power applications, something that many companies use today in the
current business market.  That is why Unix is not a bloated piece of
crap.  Its raw processing power as an operating system for database
worked is unmatched by far even compared to the windows platform NT or
not.  Yes, unix is difficult to configure, and a hassle to run, and
requires a dedicated support team, but then again, unix doesn't have
any 'network connection license' limits to my knowledge either, such
as NT or comparable network systems have.  Unix is a decent operating
system, and as such is a general operating system that is used for
various purposes.

>Da Borg <vlad_imip AT uniserve DOT com> wrote:
>: Do you have such a number of
>: utilities and applications on your proprietary system?
>  At the moment I have 354 executables on my system.

Leave executables out of it, executables are executables.  The reason
there are far many more exectuables in unix is again because of the
api's found in other operating systems, under unix a program has few
built in system calls compared to windows or other operating systems,
therefore, to increase the scalability, customizability, and maintain
unix's compatibility and portability it was necessary as such to have
the exectuables done.  Also, you must remember that unix has many
custom exectuables and programs that do not exist on other operating
systems, nor are they 'standard include.'

Seriously, think about this before you judge any operating system.  I
do not see myself as an appointed judge, but I would hate for unix to
be misjudged either, and I also agree that Windows NT and the
Macintosh OS have their place as well, thank you for reading this.

Shawn R. Walker
shawn AT warpcore DOT org

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