Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/04/07/06:45:08

Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 13:31:14 +0300 (IDT)
From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il>
To: Mike Sabin <msabin AT cdc DOT net>
cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: newbie needs help configuring emacs
In-Reply-To: <01bc42a2$2085b520$2241d9cd@sabin>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.970407133039.5175B-100000@is>
MIME-Version: 1.0

On 6 Apr 1997, Mike Sabin wrote:

> I have downloaded and installed djgpp and related files on my Win95
> machine, in D:\djgpp\.  All of the utilities that I have tried so far work,
> including the compiler.  Emacs does not work, however.  When I type "emacs"
> in a DOS window, something clearly executes briefly, then I am at the D:
> prompt again.  No editor comes up.  What am I doing wrong?

Look in your D:\DJGPP\GNU\EMACS\LISP directory for a file called
`case-table.elc'.  If what you see is `case-tab.elc', then you didn't
unzip the package with a program that supports long filenames on
Windows 95.  Emacs loads certain files at startup, and will fail to
start if it doesn't see those specific files.  You need to unzip Emacs
again with a program that supports long filenames, otherwise the names
are truncated when you unzip the files, and Emacs doesn't find them
because on Windows 95 the short and the long names aren't the same.

If you do see a file `case-table.elc' in the LISP directory, the
problem probably is that the support for long filenames is turned off.
To turn on the long filenames support, type this from the DOS prompt,
before invoking Emacs:

		set LFN=y

Sigh...  This is by far the most frequent problem with Emacs
installations on Windows 95.  I cannot understand why does it happen
so much, since I described all these considerations in the
emacs.README file which is available from the same place where you got
the rest of em1934*.zip (it is inside the zip files under the name
README.dos).  Did you read that file before unzipping?  If so, please
tell me what is it that I should say more clearly there for these
problems to stop bugging others.  Thanks.

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