Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/08/02/13:02:06

From: David Jenkins <me AT jenkinsdavid DOT demon DOT co DOT uk>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: A Very New Beginner
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 01:09:58 +0100
Organization: None
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <>
References: <19970730042200 DOT AAA12384 AT ladder01 DOT news DOT aol DOT com>
<199707301557 DOT QAA01343 AT tartan DOT scr DOT slb DOT com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Lines: 51
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

>  - what do you think a file README.1ST stands for ??
>  - what do you think "Frequently Asked Questions" stands for ??
Some people use English as a second language, they might find it
difficult to translate the instructions to their native tongue and apply
them to whatever it is. Ever considered that??

>  Most of the newbies just skip these (or read half of it) and get into 
>  trouble. Who's fault is this? You think that the people who created this
>  great software and help have nothing else to do - some of us have jobs 
>  you know!
So what??
Don't answer them, ignore them, don't waste your time with them.

BTW your too busy to help the guy, but your not too busy to moan at him.

>  Please show more respect for those who have spent *so* much of their time
>  to put it all together for *free* and in their spare time, then if you still 
>  have some questions go ahead....  
I didn't notice the poster showing any signs of disrespect anywhere.

>> about helping people way back in the day. I'd help if I could but I'm just
>> as in the dark as you. Good luck!
>  If you feel important information is missing from the FAQ, you have the 
>  opportunity to improve it by contributing your suggestion/etc. to it. 
>  See the FAQ (indeed) for how to do this...
If so many newbies are having trouble as to cause a problem, maybe its
time the docs were reviewed. You seem to be upset by the newbies, why
don't you see if you can do something more positive to ease the problem.

How about if someone wrote a small doc explaining how to unzip the .zips
into a Djgpp folder, then how to put the SETs stuff into Autoexec.bat,
then put this small doc on a site, all you'd need to do then is reply
with the URL pointing to the doc??
Maybe the man himself DJ Delorie would like to do it.

>  Good luck!
>  -Leendert Combee

This wasn't a flame, I just think you were a bit harsh on him.

-- for C programmers.
David Jenkins

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