Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/09/09/08:04:28

From: Erik Max Francis <max AT alcyone DOT com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp,comp.lang.c
Subject: Re: Functions in struct's... possible? How?
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 19:03:32 -0700
Organization: Alcyone Systems
Message-ID: <>
References: <33FCDA5C DOT 2353659F AT execulink DOT com> <5tippg$ci7$2 AT news DOT sendit DOT nodak DOT edu> <5tkq9a$2se$1 AT helios DOT crest DOT nt DOT com> <5tmcai$nuo$1 AT news DOT sendit DOT nodak DOT edu> <340B1E27 DOT 44FAD207 AT alcyone DOT com> <340BF8B7 DOT 69C3 AT stud DOT warande DOT ruu DOT nl>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Lines: 33
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Richard Rensman wrote:

> Answering "If you're going to do X often with language Y you might
> consider using language Z" is perfectly valid here on
> comp.os.msdos.djgpp, however. This is not a C language forum, and
> djgpp
> is not merely a C compiler.

This is true.  However, the question wasn't, "How do I do X in DJGPP?" 
The question was with respect to a specific language, and so the answer
ought to be in that language.

It's one thing if you're asking to do something that is _impossible_ in
the language in question.  The question was about "functions in
structs," and the answer is function pointers.  As such there is a very
clear and definite answer.  No need to send the poster on false trails
(false in that C++ is not necessary to achieve their goal, which is not
what such an answer suggests).

> If you find yourself using C++ concepts in C more and more often it
> might not be a bad idea to switch languages.

Yes, it might not be.  However, "functions in structs" doesn't
necessarily immediately bring the conclusion that that is what is
happening here.  There's a lot more to object orientation than that.

          Erik Max Francis, &tSftDotIotE / mailto:max AT alcyone DOT com
                        Alcyone Systems /
   San Jose, California, United States / icbm://37.20.07n/121.53.38w
                  "War is like love; / it always finds a way."
                                    / Bertolt Brecht

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