Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/10/11/06:17:17

From: David Jenkins <me AT jenkinsdavid DOT demon DOT co DOT uk>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp,
Subject: Test Gone Bad.. Ideas? Yeah, don't post binaries.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 04:50:47 +0100
Organization: None
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <>
References: <343E42A9 DOT FDD57A58 AT sampo DOT creighton DOT edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Lines: 71
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

In article <343E42A9 DOT FDD57A58 AT sampo DOT creighton DOT edu>, Thomas Charron
<twolf AT sampo DOT creighton DOT edu> writes
>    Hello everyone..

Hello Thomas.

>        I've been doing little programming projects here and there for
>several years at work, mostly just hacks to do something real quick..
>I've been looking at graphics programming as of recent, and I've decided
>to try some out myself, just for fun..  Now, I wrote this REAL small,
>REALLY ugly program, that was supposed to merely slowly rotate a box,
>just so I could see it..    Only one problem, it's definitely NOT doing
>THAT..  It seems to be moving at an angle, changing it's size, getting
>thinner on the x, and longer on the Y..  Here's a copy of the source,
>and I've attached the exe so you can see..  Just hit CNTRL-C to exit it
>if you run it..  And if you could, please reply via email, so I donut
>miss it..
I wrote my own rotating solid cube a few months ago, I too had a bit of
a struggle with it, BUT I did NOT post a 227kb binary .exe file to
everyone in c.o.m.d. and c.g.a.

Here's the donut you wanted. -> O

>    Thomas Charron
>// Welcome to Tom's utterly silly test..

I've allready got my own rotating cube source file.
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <stdlib.h>
>#include <string.h>

(Snippety snip of broken code.)
>        GrSetMode(GR_default_text);
>        return(0);
>[ A MIME application / octet-stream part was included here. ]
Oh gee, thanks, a .exe that shows a distorted cube. Just what I never
wanted. I didn't even run the damned thing, why should I risk virus
contamination on a program I know doesn't do what it's supposed to do.

I thought I'd log on and grab the latest posts to c.o.m.d, I have to be
quick because for every second I'm connected to the Net I'm paying out
money, I was wondering why the newsfeed was taking a bit longer than
usual. Would you like to send me a cheque in way of compensation??
I thought not.

Take your damned binary file attachment and stuff it where the Sun
doesn't shine. My phone bill is high enough because of downloading stuff
I do want without downloading stuff I don't want.

Having said all that, take a look at my rotating cube source on my site,
it uses the Allegro library so you might not be able to compile it. But
I care not.

BTW I just added you to my killlist, I won't be seeing anymore of your
posts, I suspect a few others will have done the same.

-- for C programmers.
David Jenkins

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