Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/10/29/18:30:56

From: "J.A. Bijsterbosch" <bijster AT worldonline DOT nl>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Syntax differences between TASM and NASM
Date: 29 Oct 1997 18:08:20 GMT
Organization: Bijsterbosch Productions
Lines: 72
Message-ID: <01bce494$62ce20e0$LocalHost@none>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Hello All,

After some years in C/C++ programming and a quote in mind of Michael
Abrash that "the best optimiser is between the ears" <g>, I found it time
to start learning a little bit assembler as well.
I found a nice book that starts from zero knowledge by Peter Norton & John
Socha about this subject, but it uses MASM and/or TASM as assembler.
Because I don't want to spend money immediately, I thought of using NASM,
however some derictives used in the book are not recognised by this last
I have been digging through nasm.doc to see if there where replacements for
these, and found some solutions with which the revised code compiles
alright, but
since I'm a total newbie in assembler and it's terminology still, It would
be nice if someone could tell whether the two following code snippets
to the same result and functionality.

TASM code:


        PUSH    DX                  		; Save registers used
        CMP     DL,10               		; Is this nibble <10?
        JAE     .HEX_LETTER         	; No, convert to a letter
        ADD     DL,"0"              		; Yes, convert to a digit
        JMP     Short WRITE_DIGIT  	; Now write this character
        ADD     DL,"A"-10           		; Convert to hex letter
        CALL    WRITE_CHAR          	; Display letter on screen
        POP     DX                  		; Restore old value of DX

NASM code:

[ORG 0x100]				; for creating .com file direct


        PUSH    DX                  		; Save registers used
        CMP     DL,10               		; Is this nibble <10?
        JAE     .HEX_LETTER         	; No, convert to a letter
        ADD     DL,"0"              		; Yes, convert to a digit
        JMP     Short .WRITE_DIGIT  	; Now write this character
        ADD     DL,"A"-10           		; Convert to hex letter
        CALL    WRITE_CHAR          	; Display letter on screen
        POP     DX                  		; Restore old value of DX

Finally before someone calls out: "Use JAS", and to stay a little bit on
topic. ;-)
I tried to compile this assembler that seems to use these TASM directives,
but, while linking, Make reported a missing library -lfl
Since I have all the required files for DJGPP C and C++ as stated in
readme.1st, I don't know which packet this lib belongs to. Anyone?
A binary version of jas of course would do too. ;-))

Thanks in advance.

Greetings from sunny Amsterdam,

    Jan Bijsterbosch

email: bijster AT worldonline DOT nl

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