Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/02/05/04:01:51

From: George Foot <mert0407 AT sable DOT ox DOT ac DOT uk>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: curiosity (was: What am I doing wrong)
Date: 5 Feb 1998 08:20:25 GMT
Organization: Oxford University, England
Lines: 34
Message-ID: <6bbso9$3v0$>
References: <01bd3163$908c9ea0$33d870ce AT dd0064>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

On 4 Feb 1998 12:00:03 GMT in comp.os.msdos.djgpp Dan
<rimfire AT shadetree DOT com> wrote:

: ok after messing with my autoexec (still with no luck of getting djgpp to
: compile
: the simple hello world code) I noticed in the docs, that its hello world
: example was
: using a slightly different version of this code (there is more then one way
: to say hello
: world when using c/c++ I've discovered) their version used "stdio.h" while
: my version used "iostream.h" .  So being curios I decided to use this
: version, and wouldn't you know it, the 
: darn thing compiled without a hitch.

The most likely explanation is that you are naming your source code
`foo.c'.  gcc uses the extension of an input file to decide what to do
with it.  When GNU CC sees a `.c' extension, it assumes that the code
is C source code and compiles it as such.  The C compiler doesn't look
in the lang/cxx directory, because that is for C++ code only -- and so
it can't find iostream.h.  The solution is to use one of the C++
extensions, causing GNU CC to compile your source as C++ code.  It
recognises the following extensions as C++ source: `.C', `.cc',
`.cpp', `.cxx'.  Note that the first is a capital letter -- GNU CC
comes from a background of case sensitive operating systems.  It's
best to avoid using .C because DOS isn't really case sensitive.  I
personally prefered `.cc' when I used C++.

You should also find this information towards the end of the
`readme.1st' file.

george DOT foot AT merton DOT oxford DOT ac DOT uk

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