Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/03/03/10:20:24

Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 17:19:10 +0200 (IST)
From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il>
To: HANRIGOU Philippe <HANRIGOU AT cgste DOT mq>
cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Problem with bash
In-Reply-To: <34FC25D6.15C3@CGSTE.MQ>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.980303170453.4456D-100000@is>
MIME-Version: 1.0

On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, HANRIGOU Philippe wrote:

> I'm working under windows 95, and every time I launch 'bash' in a
> ms-dos window, 'bash' seams to be lost after a few commands (most of the
> time just after one 'ls' command!). that's to say that the first command
> is executed quite well, with valid output, a new prompt is displayed,
> but then the shell seams to be blocked, there is no echo, and no
> reaction to whatever you type.

Somebody reported a very similar problem a few weeks ago, but he didn't 
follow up after I asked to check several things.  I attach my two 
messages in that thread below; please see if your case is similar enough, 
and if so, please try to run the tests I was suggesting then and report 
the results.

> I just can exit 'bash' typing 'CTRL+BREAK'.

Please post the traceback which is printed after CTRL-BREAK.  The other 
guy posted a traceback which clearly showed a terrible mess (see below).

> And then again (within the DOS shell! ) I've
> got no echo for a few seconds (something like 5 seconds). Finally the
> echo comes back and everything seams to work

This seems to be a clear evidence that Windows is all messed up.  But I 
wonder what is the reason for this.

> I've got a DJGPP variable correctly set 'c:\djgpp\djgpp.env' and
> 'c:\djgpp\bin' is in my PATH.

Did you set LFN=y in the environment?  If not, try setting it and see if 
that helps.

> I've tryied to launch bash with -norc and
> -noprofile options, but everything's the same. Nevertheless, the
> reame.dos file of bash documentation says "I compiled under Win95 and
> tested under Win95/NT4.0". So the problem must be due to me
> (configuration?).

I can confirm that Bash works flawlessly for me on Windows 95.  It is 
definitely something specific to your configuration or the variety of 
Windows 95 that you use (the other guy told me he had version 4.00.950B); 
my version is 4.00.950-r7.

> PS: I hope this is the right place for this kind of question. If not,
> please let me know...

This is the right place to discuss these problems.

----------------------- previous messages follow ------------------------
From eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT ilTue Mar  3 17:16:23 1998
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 13:01:28 +0200 (IST)
From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il>
To: Eric Kidd <emk AT isr DOT com>
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Bash freezes under Windows 95

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Eric Kidd wrote:

> I've been having problems with Bash (DJGPP v2.01, 1147) on several Windows
> 95 machines. It will generally run about one command (say, "ls") and then
> will stop accepting input.

Do you mean to say that the following series of commands typed from a
Windows 95 DOS box will end up not responding to your keystrokes?

	C:\> bash
	bash$ ls
	foo       bar
	bash$           <<<< from here on it refuses to work anymore?

If you need a more complex way of getting into this situation, please
post an *exact* log of your Bash session, starting from the point
where you enter Bash.

Please also post your Bash-related configuration files (.bashrc etc.)
if you use them, and also try Ctrl-C and Ctrl-BREAK after it ``stops
accepting input'' and tell what happens then.

For the record, I don't see anything like this problem on Windows 95.

> These machines are running recent versions of Windows 95.

Please tell exactly what version of Windows is that (it's in the
Control Panel's "General" tab).  Did you ever try on other versions of
Windows 95, or can try now?

> If it makes any difference, they both also run Retrospect and
> COPStalk.

What are these?

From eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT ilTue Mar  3 17:16:28 1998
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998 11:48:52 +0200 (IST)
From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il>
To: Eric Kidd <emk AT isr DOT com>
Cc: dgjpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: Bash freezes under Windows 95

On Thu, 15 Jan 1998, Eric Kidd wrote:

> >	C:\> bash
> >	bash$ ls
> >	foo       bar
> >	....
> >	bash$           <<<< from here on it refuses to work anymore?
> Exactly. Alternatively, launching Emacs from the first prompt results in an
> Emacs which won't accept user input.

There's something fundamentally wrong with your system.

> To freeze the terminal, I must launch
> an external command--a blank command line or a shell built-in such as 'set'
> won't cause the problem. These facts appear to indicate a problem with
> starting the new process, or setting up its I/O.

Does this happen only with DJGPP-compiled programs, or *any* external
program will do that?  How about XCOPY or some other program DOS which
comes with Windows?

> Ctrl-C does nothing, but Ctrl-BREAK causes bash to exit with a
>   bash$ Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
>   General Protection Fault at eip=000420e5
>   eax=0000ae00 ebx=0000001e ecx=0000ffff edx=00031246 esi=00000926
>   edi=00067414
>   ebp=0016092e esp=00000fec program=C:\DJGPP\BIN\BASH.EXE
>   cs: sel=00a7  base=83524000  limit=001affff
>   ds: sel=0000
>   es: sel=00bf  base=83524000  limit=001affff
>   fs: sel=00c7  base=00000000  limit=ffffffff
>   gs: sel=00c7  base=00000000  limit=ffffffff
>   ss: sel=027b  invalid

This clearly indicates that everything's messed up: DS is trash and SS
is invalid.  Something went completely bananas here!

>   C:\WINDOWS>         <<<< still frozen

The DOS box is screwed up also?  So maybe it's the Windows' fault?
Please try booting into plain DOS (no Windows) and see if the same
problem happens there as well.

Please write a simple program which reads from stdin using `getc' ot
`scanf', run it, and if it hangs also, press Ctrl-BREAK and hit
[Enter].  Then post the traceback after running `symify' on it,
together with the test program's source.

> We're running Windows 4.00.950 B.

Is this DOS 7.1 with FAT32 disk, or is your disk still has the
previous FAT16 filesystem?

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