Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/03/21/15:54:11

From: "Pieter van Ginkel" <pginkel AT concepts DOT nl>
To: "Delorie" <djgpp AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: My own GUI
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 21:52:39 +0100
Message-ID: <01bd550b$49574820$LocalHost@PIETER>
MIME-Version: 1.0

Help wanted.

I'm searching for people who want to help me with a GUI system.

I'm currently writing specifications for a GUI. These specifications also
include rules you can follow during programming it and lots of other things.
It's written for the more advanced programmer who wants to work on his own
GUI system.

I'm looking for people who can write some basic routines for me that I can
use to make the GUI. These are routines like graphics routines, mouse
routines, file conversion systems and all kinds of these systems. Everybody
will attribute code to the system or contribute any other help to it, will
be in the credits list and get a free licensed copy.

I may have the possibility to use the name of a known GUI system. When I can
use it for the end product, your names will be all over a system that
hundreds of people are going to use.

If you want to contribute to it, please send me a mail. Add your name and
age, and some peace of code you've written and which you think is a example
of the code you write. The way you organize your code and the way you
program. I prefer a file counting between 800 and 1500 lines. Don't forget
to add a executable. Use "GUI help" as subject, on pginkel AT poboxes DOT com

Hope to hear from you soon.

Pieter van Ginkel.

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