Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/04/07/19:25:22

To: davem2 AT ma DOT ultranet DOT com (maranhao)
Cc: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 19:11:10 -0400
Subject: Re: How Can I Make My Exe Smaller
Message-ID: <>
From: matthew DOT krause AT juno DOT com (Matthew R Krause)

	First off, any exe compiled with allegro has something like a
200k overhead, regardless of the program's size. Second, have you run
STRIP on your program to remove debugging info (or use the -s switch)?
This helps A LOT. 
	FAQ 8.15 deals with this and says, among other things,
 "Apart from getting to protected-mode, the DJGPP startup code also
includes such functionality as wildcard expansion, long command-line
support, and loading the environment from a disk file; these usually
aren't available with other DOS protected-mode compilers. Exception and
signal handling (not available at all in v1.x), FPU detection and
emulator loading (which were part of go32 in v1.x), are now also part of
the startup code.

If your program doesn't need parts of the startup code, it can be made
smaller by defining certain functions with empty bodies. These functions
are _crt0_glob_function , __crt0_load_environment_file , and
__crt0_setup_arguments. By defining empty substitutes for all three of
these, you can make the "Hello" program be 18KB on disk. These functions
are documented in the DJGPP libc reference"

One final thing, if executable size is that important, try using DJP, an
executalbe compressor, which works quite transparantly (and well).

Good Luck

--Matthew Krause
Conn. USA

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