Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/04/28/12:02:06

From: frankie AT mundens DOT gen DOT nz (Frank G. Pitt)
Newsgroups: comp.programming,,comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Do you want to learn C?
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 23:10:11 +1200
Organization: Munden's Bar, The Pit, Cynosure
Lines: 40
Message-ID: <>
References: <01bd5734$a9db9d60$LocalHost AT ctx>
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<985481383D11CAA1 DOT D29CB19C4451CC33 DOT 7F1F44A41F5DCD1A AT library-proxy DOT airnews DOT net>
<T3Y$IeMOZ4YE AT indyvax DOT iupui DOT edu> <35405963 DOT 1212704 AT news DOT telepac DOT pt>
Reply-To: frankie AT mundens DOT gen DOT nz
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

In article <35405963 DOT 1212704 AT news DOT telepac DOT pt>,
stop AT spam DOT now (Gilberto Gaudencio) wrote:
>Wrong. I have here 16 Win95 PCs, with nothing but Office97 installed,
>and all it takes to kill Win95 (blue screen -> blank screen -> reboot)
>in any of them is printing a slightly more complicated Word document
>(i.e. more than 2 pages).
>I'm seriously considering installing DOS and Wordperfect instead. :)

I hope you're not supposed to be the technical professional running the
site, because whoever it is obviously doesn't know what they're doing.

I have a 12Mb 486DX2-66, which is not what I'd call a "Win95 PC",
it's much too small for that label, and it happily boots
up Win95, Office 97, and prints 30 page documents with multiple
columns and graphics on a network printer with no problems.

Not that I'm a fan of Microsoft, but stable Win95 systems
do exist, where there are people who know whet they're
doing, just as there are unstable unix and VMS system
where there are people who don't know what they're doing.

Difference is in Unix shops the people who don't know what
they're doing tend to get kicked out quicker because the
hardware and software investment is more valuable, and the
dealers representatives can quickly say to the 'network
supervisor' "you don't know what you're talking about" and
demonstrate that he doesn't.

In the Wintel arena there seems to be a much lower general
level of competecy and not as much expected support from the
manufacturer, so people with few skills find it easier to
get away with blaming the software rather than their own
lack of knowledge. This is supported by many managers
believing M$s propaganda about how easy it all is, so
only paying peanuts for support people.


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