Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/08/20/07:15:28

From: "Rylan" <rylan AT intekom DOT co DOT za>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: DJGPP's future
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 11:51:37 +0200
Organization: The South African Internet Exchange
Lines: 26
Message-ID: <6rgru1$n2v$>
Reply-To: "Rylan" <rylan AT inbtekom DOT co DOT za>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Hi all,

I am a committed straight DJGPP coder (i. e. I have not yet decided to line
Bill Gates's pocket by buying whatever Windows C compiler to do DirectX
etc...) I know about RSXNTDJ and some of the project/s to make DJGPP do
Win/DirectX so here is my question:

How do you see the future of DJGPP in both plain DOS and RSX/DirectX capable
versions? Is it worth it to go on "buying into" (i.e. learning the compiler
specific stuff & etc, not $) for DJGPP or should I capitulate like the rest
of the universe and get a Microsoft Windows based compiler for doing
"native" Win95/NT directX coding etc.?

I do not want to offend the group by starting a beaten thread (this has been
discussed before, right?) so just mail me a reply if you have an opinion to
express rather than threading. The mail archives require perusing but they
are "archives" right i.e. archive = the past. I wonder about the current
opinions of frequent DJGPPer's.


Spawned By Rylan
Is truth beauty or beauty truth?

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