Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/08/21/14:35:59
This is a function I plan to use in creating a sun bitmap in a game I'm
void DrawStar(int color, int size)
int i;
int starSize = size - (size >> 2);
int r = getr32(color);
int g = getg32(color);
int b = getb32(color);
int *c = new int[size];
float nr = 0, ng = 0, nb = 0;
float steps = 255 / (size - starSize);
for(i = 0; i < size - starSize; i++)
if (r)
nr = r + steps + steps * i;
if (g)
ng = g + steps + steps * i;
if (b)
nb = b + steps + steps * i;
c[size - i] = makecol32((int)nr, (int)ng, (int)nb);
steps = 255 / (starSize >> 1);
for(i = 0; i <= starSize; i++)
nr = r + steps + steps * i;
if (nr > 255)
nr = 255;
ng = g + steps + steps * i;
if (ng > 255)
ng = 255;
nb = b + steps + steps * i;
if (nb > 255)
nb = 255;
c[starSize - i] = makecol32((int)nr, (int)ng, (int)nb);
for(i = size; i >= 0; i--)
circlefill(dbuffer, 320, 240, i, c[i]);
delete [] c;
It does nice suns, but it doesn't work if the all color components (R, G
and B) are either 0 or 255. It ends up drawing a the light field around the
star in a different color (and almost solid, not gradient) and aligns the
actual star gradient too much inside, creating a band. Just compile
that(uses allegro), it is hard to explain. How can I fix it.
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