Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/01/31/09:40:45
Adam Schrotenboer (ajschrotenboer AT lycosmail DOT com) wrote:
: This may be more of a technicality, but as far as I know, is loaded
: to run the autoexec.bat, then unloaded, then the GUI is loaded. Unless MSDOS.SYS
: has a line BootGUI=0
: Therefore, though IO.SYS is loaded, which is real mode, and a part of MS-DOS, it
: is bypassed for the most part when the GUI is loaded. So it could be said that
: Win98 is running on top of MS-DOS, but DOS is bypassed, unless real-mode drivers
: are in use. Even then, is still bypassed, and calls to IO.SYS are
: minimal.
: The GUI is NOT (AFAIK) loaded on top of DOS, if we say that is DOS.
: IO.SYS loads the GUI, and then IO.SYS remains largely dormant. This is not true
: in the case of running a DOS prompt, but otherwise this should be valid.
Interesting. Where have you learnt that?
Scooter, No Time to Chill,
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