Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/03/09/05:03:32
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Rafael_Garc=EDa_Gonz=E1lez?= wrote:
> The program stops and I don't get de command prompt. If I try to write
> (symify), Windows tells this program is ended and I have to close it.
> "Close on exit" check box is off
> Other times, Windows close the process immediately with a short text saying
> "General Protection Fault" in VMM...
Well, you will have to just find those bugs and fix them, then.
There's no way to change how Windows handles ill-behaved programs.
One way to find out where does the problem happen is to single-step
through the place where it crashes, until you see the crash. Then at
least you'll know which line you need to debug.
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