Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/06/10/18:50:58

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Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 00:39:29 +0200
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Dlanor Blytkerchan <dlanor AT dds DOT nl>
Subject: definatly an error in either the compiler or RHIDE:
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

Small, insignificant, yes. But still worth mentioning:

Writing a sloppy C++ program with a lot of errors in it, the compiler
returned all those errors to me with the wrong line numbers. For example, I
was declaring a class variable from main (somewhere beyond line 50 in my

int main(void) {
  blabla bla1;
  blabla bla2;
  blabla bla3;
  classType classVar = new classType(bullshit);


} // main()

guess what? It didn't work. (Ofcourse not: I had even declared the class
itself all wrong, more like a struct than a class..). The compiler returned
an error message indicating that the fault was in main() (which is right),
on line number 4 of the file (which is wrong: it is line number four in the
method, but definatly not in the file). RHIDE promptly pointed me to that
line. Either RHIDE is wrong or the compiler is (though it was right that I
was producing errors more than it was, so I stopped programming and started

Now, I'm moving on to sleeping.



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