Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/11/12/18:51:40

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Organization: Michelle's Internet Service
X-Moto: Micr0$oft = What do you want to crash today?
X-Sender: starone AT mail DOT cybercable DOT fr
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.6 (16)
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 22:28:05 +0100
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Michelle Konzack <starone AT cybercable DOT fr>
Subject: Re: 4 VIRUS ALERTS!
In-Reply-To: <80hi76$djl$>
References: <7vgr8g$iel$1 AT tron DOT sci DOT fi>
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At 19:14 12.11.1999 +0200, you wrote
--------> This was the original Message:
MK>true... you cannot get a virus by simply reading an email msg... however
MK>some of the more modern (especially Windows based) mail programs are set to
MK>"idiot mode" and automatically opens any attachments of certain kinds.  the

Not in WfW 3.11(3.95) and Dos... is a surprise feature in Win2000.

A good virus scanner use the functions "load and execute/stop-it".

MK>trick therefore is to use telnet only :))

Oh yes ???

Why ???

PCNFS and EDIT.COM will do it too...  ;-))

MK>seriously, i recently got home and found to my dismay and utter disbelief
MK>that i sat with a 3 gig non-dos partition on my w95 machine... i figured it
MK>must have been some kind of fdisk virus... beats me how it happened.
MK>btw, i'd like some comments on my website... especially the esthetics... i
MK>know the darn thing is very much topdown... but what do you ouks think?
MK>Samuel Murray


If you get this Mail from a mailing-list and you answer, please do 
not CC: me, post it only to the list, otherwise I get all twice .

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| If you like to upgrade your WfW 3.11 do it with Calmira II                 |
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