Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/04/04/13:31:04

Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 18:36:57 +0600 (LKT)
From: Kalum Somaratna aka Grendel <kalum AT lintux DOT cx>
X-Sender: root AT darkstar DOT grendel DOT net
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: DJGPP & CGI, I found an easier way!
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Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
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On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Al Amzeen (Alexandr Amzin) wrote:

> > > Just compile it to .exe at home and then rename .exe to .cgi and upload
> it
> > > to your ISprovider if they permit user binaries to run on server.
> >
> > Please note that certain windoze based servers won't run djgpp created
> > exe's, so it is not as simple as you mentioned above.
> Why not? If I run it under windows and it's works than why? :^) 

Well heres the section 22.28 from the FAQ,

*A*:  If you are using a Windows Web server, it probably won't work.  The
reason is that Windows programs cannot easily redirect standard input and
output of DOS programs (because DOS programs are run by Windows in a
different "Virtual Machine"), and many Windows Web servers don't consider
the case of a DOS CGI program, and don't bother to include the machinery
necessary to do the redirection in a way that would work for DOS programs.
So the output of your program never gets to the server.

Consult the docs of the server: it might include some feature that enables
redirection from DOS programs.  If that doesn't help, rebuild your CGI
program with a Windows compiler, such as Mingw32 or Lcc-Win32 (see free
Win32 compilers in "MS-Windows applications and DJGPP"), and it will work.

> > Section 22.28 of the DJGPP FAQ has more detailed info about DJGPP and CGI
> > related problems. Please have a look at it.
> Oops, I got an old FAQ version. :(.

Well It would be advisable to get the latest version of the FAQ as it
contains a lot of newer information...see above...


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