Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/04/13/15:16:17

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Organization: Michelle's Internet Service
X-Moto: Micr0$oft = What do you want to crash today?
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Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 17:49:02 +0100
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
From: Michelle Konzack <starone AT cybercable DOT fr>
Subject: Re: Windows, Microsoft, and other evils
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if you have lost GigaBytes of Data running a MicroSuck Operating System, 
and you must buy this f... bug-Software for tenthousends of dollars, you 
will have enough from GOD-Gates !!!

Now I am switching to Debian/GNU-Linux, which works very well. It is cheep
because you need only to buy the disti CD's (15-30 US$) and you get support
all over the world for free.

The Service-Numbers from MicroSuck are very expensive and I think, I have 
payed around 3000 US$ for it.


P.S.:   If I like to create an Internet-Service based on MS products, 
        I need around 150.000 US$ for the Software and new Computers...

        For my curent installation I have payed around 30.000 US$

At 17:02 13.04.2000 +1000, you wrote
--------> This was the original Message:
>I am not a big computer nut, but I have been tuning into this newsgroup
>and others and find an alarming amount of insults to Microsoft. Why is
>this? Why is Bill Gates the 'devil' among other names?
>Please enlighten me,
--------> The Reply begins not here, it is at the beginning ^
Linux rebootet man in drei Fällen: 
Neuer Kernel, neue (Board-)Hardware, Stromausfall....

Aber Windows rebootet man auch in drei Fällen: 
Schutzverletzung, Bluescreen, keinen Bock...

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