Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/10/24/13:28:50

From: Rudolf Polzer <rpolzer AT my-deja DOT com>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Internal compiler error - not covered by the FAQ
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 09:41:22 GMT
Organization: - Before you buy.
Lines: 51
Message-ID: <8t3lg2$o6t$>
X-Article-Creation-Date: Tue Oct 24 09:41:22 2000 GMT
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

I often get ICE's when compiling a 1000-line cpp file using many C++
headers like <map>, <vector>, <string> etc., especially when
optimizing. I found out that the error rate depends on the amount of
free DPMI memory (after setting DPMI mem to 64M in Windoze, it even
crashed at one of the includes, while with 128M, everything mostly
works). Also, since I compile from RHIDE, just restarting the compiler
by pressing F9 sometimes make it work; if that does not help, closing
the IDE with its DOS window and reopening helps; once I even needed to
restart Windoze. Is there a way to prevent this other than reducing the
size of the cpp files (ie splitting)? The objects in my game take up
altogether 3000 lines of C++ code (not very much) and I had to split
first to get back to 1000 lines each file, but now, after including a
new header, I am faced with the same problem; but I cannot split any
more without defining the classes in .H files. But they are not to be
visible from other files! (ie a Player should not know what an Enemy
is; encapsulation!). At the moment I have one base class that provides
the essentials (no fat interface!) and many derived classes that are
also derived from, and no part of the game knows what a Player is
except the player itself (I only use general flags like ACCEPT_INPUT,
IS_VULNERABLE or IS_SWITCHABLE); so it is not feasible to split further.

Is there a solution (except buying more RAM)?

Compiling in Linux works, but my f***ing sound card is not supported,
as well as my scanner, my printer etc. and cross-compiling (or
compiling for Linux) is also not feasible.

And, as I discovered, DJGPP puts all standard library names into the
global namespace, and recompiling in standard-compliant compilers
fails. Is there a trick to always include the namespace std (or even
better: to allow a std:: before an identifier causing no harm in DJGPP)?
What happens if I do this:

using namespace std;
#include <iostream>

int main()
 cout << "Hello World!" << endl;

in standard-compliant compilers? Do I need to define the namespace
before? Must the using directive be after the includes?

Rudolf Polzer

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