Mail Archives: djgpp/2001/06/16/07:45:21

From: invalid AT erehwon DOT invalid (Graaagh the Mighty)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Mysterious NaNs...
Organization: Low Charisma Anonymous
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Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 11:36:51 GMT
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To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

This is seriously weird.
This is a hacked-up-for-debugging version of a Mandelbrot set related
program I am working on. This altered version just runs
"f_find_components" and prints loads of debugging info. The odd stuff
is with a certain loop below. Compile with:

gcc periods.c -o per.exe -lalleg -g -O6 -ffast-math
-fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -funroll-loops -march=k6

(gcc version 2.95.2; gas version 2.8.1.)

I suspect it may be an optimizer bug.
There are comments in the trouble area to help explain better; these
start "// DEBUG".

 * periods.c
 * (c) 2001 Paul Derbyshire
 * Lesser Gnu Public License. See
 * Quick b&w Mandelbrot renderer. Finds components of period n and
writes images of them.
 * Uses "MDisk" algorithm from _The_Science_of_Fractal_Images_, ISBN
 * Requires Allegro and a gcc port to compile. Allegro can be had at

#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <values.h> // MAXINT
#include <bios.h>   // biostime

typedef double ldouble; // Change this when porting to
machines/compilers with no long double.
typedef unsigned int word;
typedef int bool;
int word_bits = 8*sizeof(word);
int ldouble_bits = 64; // Change this when porting to machines with
different long double mantissa size.
int width = 1024;
int height = 768;
double max_ldouble_amag = 0.0;

PALETTE palette;
int p_greys = 0;
int p_void = 255;

int max_iters = 0;
int max_components = 0;
ldouble max_radius_squared = 9.0;
//double edge_width = 0.1;
double edge_width = 0.02;
double min_disk_radius = 1.0;
ldouble per_width = 1.0;
int recursive_disk_radius = 1;

int aa_degree = 1;
int num_components = 0;
ldouble f_cx, f_cy, f_mag, f_x1, f_y1, f_x2, f_y2, f_pix_size,
f_aa_size, *f_x_orbit, *f_y_orbit, *f_x_orbit2, *f_y_orbit2;
int precision_bits = 0;
int num_words = 0;

bool do_per;

bool resume;

int symmetry_line;
BITMAP *main_screen;
int preview_grid_size = 64;

void set_max_iters (int);
void f_find_components (int);
int num_components_of_period (int);
void f_set_cmag (ldouble, ldouble, ldouble);
void image_draw_loop (int);
void draw_image (void);
void q_wait_key (void);
void f_draw_image (void);
void f_do_pixel (int, int, ldouble, ldouble);
void f_do_disk_1 (int, int, ldouble, ldouble);
void f_do_disk (int, int, ldouble, ldouble);
double f_calc_dist (ldouble, ldouble);
double f_calc_dist_per (ldouble, ldouble);
ldouble f_jitter (void);
bool f_check_known_components (ldouble, ldouble);

int main (void) {
  int i, per, image_max_iters;
  srandom(biostime(0, 0));
  max_ldouble_amag = pow(2.0, (double)(ldouble_bits - 3));
  // ---------------------------------------
  // DON'T CHANGE THESE to debug the NaN mystery.
  aa_degree = 5;
  image_max_iters = 2048; // Must be less than arg to set_max_iters!!!
  max_components = 10;
  edge_width = 0.1;
  per = 13;
  resume = 0;
  // ---------------------------------------
  i = num_components_of_period(per);
  if (i <= max_components)
    printf("Locating all %d components of period %d.\n", i, per);
    printf("Locating %d random components of period %d.\n",
max_components, per);
  max_iters = image_max_iters;
  if (allegro_init()) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Initialization error!\n(non-zero return from
    return 1;
  if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, width, height, 0, 0)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Initialization error!\nGraphics mofe %dx%dx256
unavailable.\n(non-zero return from set_gfx_mode())\n\n", width,
    return 1;
  palette[p_void].r = 31;
  palette[p_void].g = 0;
  palette[p_void].b = 15;
  for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
    palette[p_greys+i].r = i;
    palette[p_greys+i].g = i;
    palette[p_greys+i].b = i;
  main_screen = create_sub_bitmap(screen, 0, 0, width, height);
  set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 80, 25, 0, 0);
  if (max_iters != 0) {
  return 0;

void set_max_iters (int max) {
  if (max_iters != 0) {
  max_iters = max;
  f_x_orbit = malloc(max_iters*sizeof(ldouble));
  f_y_orbit = malloc(max_iters*sizeof(ldouble));
  f_x_orbit2 = malloc(max_iters*sizeof(ldouble));
  f_y_orbit2 = malloc(max_iters*sizeof(ldouble));

void f_find_components (int per) {
  ldouble mag = ((ldouble)(per*per))*0.25;
  ldouble cx, cy, ocx, ocy, x, y, xp, yp, t, *x1, *y1;
  int i, iters, i2;
  int m = 0;
  int n = 0;
  int q = num_components_of_period(per);
  int expected = (q > max_components)?max_components:q;
  int seed = random();
  int diverged = 0;
  int smaller = 0;
  int duplicates = 0;
  int maxi = 0;
  f_pix_size = 1/(width*mag);
  f_aa_size = f_pix_size/aa_degree;
  if (per == 1) {
    (*f_x_orbit2) = 0.0;
    (*f_y_orbit2) = 0.0;
    num_components = 1;
  if (per == 2) {
    (*f_x_orbit2) = -1.0;
    (*f_y_orbit2) = 0.0;
    num_components = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < max_iters; ++i) {
    cx = (((ldouble)(random()))/((ldouble)(MAXINT)))*4.0;
    cy = (((ldouble)(random()))/((ldouble)(MAXINT)))*3.0;
    // This following loop is the oddly behaving one.
    for (iters = 0; iters < max_iters; ++iters) {
      ocx = cx;
      ocy = cy;
      x = 0.0;
      y = 0.0;
      xp = 0.0;
      yp = 0.0;
      for (i2 = 0; i2 < per; ++i2) {
        t = 2.0*(x*xp - y*yp) + 1.0;
        yp = 2.0*(x*yp + y*xp);
        xp = t;
        t = x*x - y*y + cx;
        y = 2.0*x*y + cy;
        x = t;
      t = xp*xp + yp*yp;
      cx -= (xp*x + yp*y)/t;
      cy -= (xp*y - yp*x)/t;
      if (!((cx * cx) >= 0.0)) {
        // By experiment I've found that this detects NaNs.
        // DEBUG: The following will never be executed.
        printf("NaNs detected!\ncx = %1.16f, cy = %1.16f, t = %1.16f,
iters = %d.\n", cx, cy, t, iters);
        iters = max_iters;
      if ((fabs(cx - ocx) < f_aa_size) && (fabs(cy - ocy) <
f_aa_size)) {
    if (iters > maxi) {
      if (iters < max_iters)
        maxi = iters + 1;
        maxi = iters;
    if (!((cx * cx) >= 0.0)) printf("NaNs detected!\n"); // DEBUG:
This will!
    // DEBUG: The weirdness is that between executing the first NaN
    // detector in the final loop iteration and the second one here,
    // cx is not assigned to. Also, as cx is a local, it's on the
    // stack and not the heap so if there is a bug in the pointer
    // arithmetic for the f_x_orbit stuff, which I doubt, it's not
    // clobbering cx. Also, no pointer arithmetic is invoked between
    // the two NaN detectors.
    // If the optimizer is doing something weird here, it constitutes
    // a bug, since it is clearly altering the program semantics!
    // I am aware that f_fast_math may affect the exact values of
    // floating point operations, but it shouldn't make floats
    // mysteriously change values when they aren't assigned to.
    printf("(%1.16f, %1.16f)\n", cx, cy);
    printf("(%1.16f, %1.16f)\n", ocx, ocy);
    printf("(%1.16f, %1.16f)\n", fabs(cx-ocx), fabs(cy-ocy));
    if (iters < max_iters) {
//    if ((fabs(cx - ocx) < f_aa_size) && (fabs(cy - ocy) <
f_aa_size)) {
      if ((fabs(cx) > 0.2) || (fabs(cy) > 0.2)) {
        if (f_calc_dist_per(cx, cy) < (1/(mag*mag) - f_aa_size)) {
          // Check for duplication, including symmetric.
          x1 = f_x_orbit2;
          y1 = f_y_orbit2;
          for (i2 = 0; i2 < n; ++i2) {
            if ((fabs(cx - (*x1)) < f_aa_size) && (fabs(cy - (*y1)) <
f_aa_size)) break;
            if ((fabs(cx - (*x1)) < f_aa_size) && (fabs(cy + (*y1)) <
f_aa_size)) break;
          if (i2 == n) {
            // It's new!
            (*x1) = cx;
            (*y1) = fabs(cy);
            if (fabs(cy) > f_aa_size) ++m;
            printf("Got %d of %d.\n", m, expected);
            printf("Mag: %1.16f.\n", 1/(64*f_calc_dist_per(*x1,
            if (m == q) break; // We won't find any more.
            if (m == max_components) break; // We have enough.
          } else {
        } else {
      } else {
    } else {
    if (!(i & 0x03ff)) printf("Iteration %d: found %d (%d), %d
diverged, %d smaller, %d duplicates; %d maxi.\n", i, n, m, diverged,
smaller, duplicates, maxi);
  printf("Iteration %d: found %d (%d), %d diverged, %d smaller, %d
duplicates; %d maxi.\n", i, n, m, diverged, smaller, duplicates,
  if (m < expected) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find %d components!\n\n", expected -
  num_components = n;

int num_components_of_period (int per) {
  int i;
  int n;
  if (per == 1) return 1;
  if (per > 32) return max_components + 1;
  n = (1 << (per - 1)) - 1;
  for (i = 2; i < per; ++i) {
    if ((per/i)*i == per)
      n -= num_components_of_period(i);
  return n;

void f_set_cmag (ldouble cx, ldouble cy, ldouble mag) {
  f_cx = cx;
  f_cy = cy;
  f_mag = mag;
  f_pix_size = 1/(width*mag);
  f_x1 = f_cx - (width/2)*f_pix_size;
  f_x2 = f_cx + (width/2)*f_pix_size;
  f_y1 = f_cy - (height/2)*f_pix_size;
  f_y2 = f_cy + (height/2)*f_pix_size;
  f_aa_size = f_pix_size/aa_degree;

void image_draw_loop (int per) {
  int i;
  ldouble *x1 = f_x_orbit2;
  ldouble *y1 = f_y_orbit2;
  ldouble mag;
  FILE *foo = NULL;
  char filename[12];
  for (i = 0; i < num_components; ++i) {
    sprintf(filename, "p%07d.bmp", i);
    if (resume) foo = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (foo != NULL) {
    } else {
      f_set_cmag(*x1, *y1, 1/(64*f_calc_dist_per(*x1, *y1)));
      filename[12] = 0;
      save_bmp(filename, main_screen, palette); // Main screen turn
      mag = ((ldouble)(per*per))*0.25;
      f_pix_size = 1/(width*mag);
      f_aa_size = f_pix_size/aa_degree;

void draw_image (void) {
//  if (use_float)
//  else
//    i_draw_image();

void q_wait_key (void) {
  char foo[256];

void f_draw_image (void) {
  ldouble cx, cy;
  int x, y;
  int p = preview_grid_size;
  do_per = 0;
  rectfill(screen, 0, 0, width-1, height-1, p_void);
  cy = f_y2;
  symmetry_line = -1;
  if ((f_y1 < 0.0) && (f_y2 > 0.0)) {
    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
      cy -= f_pix_size;
      if (cy < 0) {
        symmetry_line = 2*y;
    cy = f_y2;
  // Build "previews".
  while (p > 0) {
    for (y = 0; y < height; y+=p) {
      cx = f_x1;
      for (x = 0; x < width; x+=p) {
        f_do_pixel(x, y, cx, cy);
        cx += p*f_pix_size;
      cy -= p*f_pix_size;
    cy = f_y2;
    if (p > 1) {
      for (y = 0; y < height; y+=p) {
        cx = f_x1;
        for (x = 0; x < width; x+=(p/2)) {
          f_do_pixel(x, y, cx, cy);
          cx += p*f_pix_size/2;
        cy -= p*f_pix_size;
      cy = f_y2;

void f_do_pixel (int x, int y, ldouble cx, ldouble cy) {
  if ((cx < -2.0) || (cx > 0.5) || (cy < -1.2) || (cy > 1.2)) {
    putpixel(screen, x, y, p_greys);
    if (symmetry_line != -1) putpixel(screen, x, symmetry_line - y,
  } else if (getpixel(screen, x, y) == p_void) {
    f_do_disk(x, y, cx, cy);

void f_do_disk_1 (int x, int y, ldouble cx, ldouble cy) {
  if ((x < 0) || (x >= width) || (y < 0) || (y >= height)) return;
  if ((cx < -2.0) || (cx > 0.5) || (cy < -1.2) || (cy > 1.2)) return;
  if (getpixel(screen, x, y) != p_void) return;
  f_do_disk(x, y, cx, cy);

void f_do_disk (int x, int y, ldouble cx, ldouble cy) {
  int radius, aa_x, aa_y, aa_count;
  double f_radius, dist, aa_cx, aa_cy;
  dist = f_calc_dist(cx, cy);
  if (dist < min_disk_radius*f_pix_size) {
    aa_count = 0;
    aa_cx = cx;
    for (aa_x = 0; aa_x < aa_degree; ++aa_x) {
      aa_cy = cy;
      for (aa_y = 0; aa_y < aa_degree; ++aa_y) {
        if ((aa_x != 0) || (aa_y != 0)) dist = f_calc_dist(aa_cx,
        if (dist < edge_width*f_pix_size) ++aa_count;
        aa_cy += f_aa_size;
      aa_cx += f_aa_size;
    putpixel(screen, x, y, p_greys+aa_count);
    if (symmetry_line != -1) putpixel(screen, x, symmetry_line - y,
  } else {
    f_radius = dist/f_pix_size;
    if (f_radius > (double)width) f_radius = width;
    radius = f_radius;
    circlefill(screen, x, y, radius, p_greys);
    if (symmetry_line != -1) circlefill(screen, x, symmetry_line - y,
radius, p_greys);
    if (radius >= recursive_disk_radius) {
      f_do_disk_1(x-radius-1, y, cx-(radius+1)*f_pix_size, cy);
      f_do_disk_1(x+radius+1, y, cx+(radius+1)*f_pix_size, cy);
      f_do_disk_1(x, y-radius-1, cx, cy+(radius+1)*f_pix_size);
      f_do_disk_1(x, y+radius+1, cx, cy-(radius+1)*f_pix_size);

double f_calc_dist (ldouble pcx, ldouble pcy) {
  ldouble *x1, *y1;
  ldouble x = 0.0;
  ldouble y = 0.0;
  ldouble x2 = 0.0;
  ldouble y2 = 0.0;
  ldouble xp, yp, t;
  int iters, i2;
  bool escaped = 0;
  ldouble cx = pcx + f_jitter();
  ldouble cy = pcy + f_jitter();
  if (f_check_known_components(cx, cy)) return 0.5*(edge_width +
  if (do_per) return f_calc_dist_per(cx, cy);
  x1 = f_x_orbit;
  y1 = f_y_orbit;
  for (iters = 0; iters < max_iters; ++iters) {
    y = 2.0*x*y + cy;
    x = x2 - y2 + cx;
    x2 = x*x;
    y2 = y*y;
    (*x1) = x;
    (*y1) = y;
    if ((x2 + y2) > max_radius_squared) {
      escaped = 1;
  if (escaped) {
    xp = 1.0;
    yp = 0.0;
    x1 = f_x_orbit;
    y1 = f_y_orbit;
    for (i2 = 0; i2 < iters; ++i2) {
      t = 2.0*((*x1)*xp - (*y1)*yp) + 1.0;
      yp = 2.0*((*x1)*yp + (*y1)*xp);
      xp = t;
    t = sqrt(x2 + y2);
    return t*log(t)*0.5/sqrt(xp*xp + yp*yp);
  do_per = 1;
  return 0.5*(edge_width + min_disk_radius)*f_pix_size;

double f_calc_dist_per (ldouble cx, ldouble cy) {
  ldouble *x1, *y1;
  ldouble x = 0.0;
  ldouble y = 0.0;
  ldouble x2 = 0.0;
  ldouble y2 = 0.0;
  ldouble pcx = 0.0;
  ldouble pcy = 0.0;
  ldouble pcx2 = 0.0;
  ldouble pcy2 = 0.0;
  ldouble xz, yz, xc, yc, xzz, yzz, xcz, ycz, xp, yp, t, u, z;
  int iters, i2, pi;
  bool even = 1;
  bool escaped = 0;
  bool periodic = 0;
  x1 = f_x_orbit;
  y1 = f_y_orbit;
  for (iters = 0; iters < max_iters; ++iters) {
    y = 2.0*x*y + cy;
    x = x2 - y2 + cx;
    x2 = x*x;
    y2 = y*y;
    (*x1) = x;
    (*y1) = y;
    even = 1 - even;
    if (even) {
      pcy = 2.0*pcx*pcy + cy;
      pcx = pcx2 - pcy2 + cx;
      pcx2 = pcx*pcx;
      pcy2 = pcy*pcy;
    if ((fabs(x - pcx) < per_width*f_aa_size) && (fabs(y - pcy) <
per_width*f_aa_size)) {
      periodic = 1;
    if ((x2 + y2) > max_radius_squared) {
      escaped = 1;
  if (periodic) {
    // Find start of period.
    --y1; // Point back to x and y.
    for (pi = iters - 1; pi > 0; --pi) {
      if ((fabs((*x1) - x) < per_width*f_aa_size) && (fabs((*y1) - y)
< per_width*f_aa_size)) break;
    // Now pi is such that pi...iters-1 is one repetition of the
cycle, and iters-pi is its period. Also, x1 and y1 now
    // point at z_{pi}.
    xz = 1.0;
    yz = 0.0;
    xc = 0.0;
    yc = 0.0;
    xzz = 0.0;
    yzz = 0.0;
    xcz = 0.0;
    ycz = 0.0;
    for (i2 = pi; i2 < iters; ++i2) {
      t = 2.0*(xz*xz - yz*yz + (*x1)*xzz - (*y1)*yzz);
      yzz = 2.0*(2.0*xz*yz + (*x1)*yzz + (*y1)*xzz);
      xzz = t;
      t = 2.0*(xz*xc - yz*yc + (*x1)*xcz - (*y1)*ycz);
      ycz = 2.0*(xz*yc + yz*xc + (*x1)*ycz + (*y1)*xcz);
      xcz = t;
      t = 2.0*((*x1)*xz - (*y1)*yz);
      yz = 2.0*((*x1)*yz + (*y1)*xz);
      xz = t;
      t = 2.0*((*x1)*xc - (*y1)*yc) + 1.0;
      yc = 2.0*((*x1)*yc + (*y1)*xc);
      xc = t;
    t = 1.0 - xz;
    u = -yz;
    z = t*t + u*u;
    x = (xc*t + yc*u)/z;
    y = (yc*t - xc*u)/z;
    xp = xcz + xzz*x - yzz*y;
    yp = ycz + xzz*y + yzz*x;
    return 0.25*(1.0 - xz*xz - yz*yz)/sqrt(xp*xp + yp*yp);
  } else if (escaped) {
    do_per = 0;
    xp = 1.0;
    yp = 0.0;
    x1 = f_x_orbit;
    y1 = f_y_orbit;
    for (i2 = 0; i2 < iters; ++i2) {
      t = 2.0*((*x1)*xp - (*y1)*yp) + 1.0;
      yp = 2.0*((*x1)*yp + (*y1)*xp);
      xp = t;
    t = sqrt(x2 + y2);
    return t*log(t)*0.5/sqrt(xp*xp + yp*yp);
  return 0.5*(edge_width + min_disk_radius)*f_pix_size;

ldouble f_jitter (void) {
  return ((((ldouble)(random()))/((ldouble)(MAXINT))) -

bool f_check_known_components (ldouble cx, ldouble cy) {
  ldouble t = cx + 1;
  ldouble u, v, w, a, m;
  if ((t*t + cy*cy) <= 0.0625) return 1;
  t = 1 - 4*cx;
  u = -4*cy;
  a = atan2(u, t)/2;
  m = sqrt(sqrt(t*t + u*u));
  v = 1 + m*cos(a);
  w = m*sin(a);
  if ((v*v + w*w) <= 1) return 1;
  v = 2 - v;
  if ((v*v + w*w) <= 1) return 1;
  return 0;

Bill Gates: "No computer will ever need more than 640K of RAM." -- 1980
"There's nobody getting rich writing software that I know of." -- 1980
"This antitrust thing will blow over." -- 1998
Combine neo, an underscore, and one thousand sixty-one to make my hotmail addy.

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