Mail Archives: djgpp/2001/12/20/14:06:44

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Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 20:01:58 +0100
From: Maurice Lombardi <Maurice DOT Lombardi AT ujf-grenoble DOT fr>
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To: gpc <gpc AT gnu DOT de>, djgpp AT delorie DOT com
CC: Pavenis Andris <pavenis AT latnet DOT lv>, acottrel AT ihug DOT com DOT au
Subject: [Fwd: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP V2.03 Refresh Beta]
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Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

Hi gpc/djgpp users

I have recompiled gpc-20011202 for the "refresh" version announced below.
But I have no Windows 2000 or XP machine to test it. I have only checked that it works well with W98se.
It is uploaded on agnes as

When running in a W98se Dos box it gives zero error (2 tests skipped as usual) when running the test 
suite by going into the gcc/p/test directory and issuing simply "make": this was one of the 
improvements announced (Nesting will recover selectors).
The dostest.bat which was designed to overcome this bug by splitting the tests in chunks of 250 
will no more be necessary when/if this version will be uploaded to simtelnet.
Meanwhile do not use it "as is" with this version because it triggers an other bug ... apparently 
the maximum length of the command line which can be passed from dostest.bat to make has been 
somewhat decreased: it works if the tests are split in chunks of only 128 ...
The following diff will do the job:

--- dostest.bat.orig	Thu Jan  4 07:22:08 2001
+++ dostest.bat	Thu Dec 20 18:57:44 2001
@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@
  if exist make.out del make.out
  if exist dtlist.* del dtlist.*
  make msg
-ls -1 *.pas | split -l 250 - dtlist.
+ls -1 *.pas | split -l 128 - dtlist.
  for %%f in (dtlist.*) do make MASK="`cat %%f`" pascal.check-long >> make.out
  sh test_sum < make.out

This diff can be included without harm in next gpc snapshots.
Meanwhile a file (with modified dostest.bat) has been uploaded to agnes in the 
same directory as above for people wanting to check this version of gpc with Windows 2000 / XP.
(The test suite is not included with the binaries).

-------- Message d'origine --------
Objet: ANNOUNCE: DJGPP V2.03 Refresh Beta
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 08:47:21 -0600 (CST)
De: sandmann AT clio DOT rice DOT edu (Charles Sandmann)
Répondre-A: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
A: djgpp-announce AT delorie DOT com

DJGPP release V2.03 has been available since January 2000.  In that
time a small number of bugs have been discovered and corrected.
Windows 2000 and Windows XP were released with some bugs in their DOS
support.  The goal for the refreshed release was to provide complete
binary compatibility and fixes for known problems that were simple
and low risk to fix.  The updated version works with Windows ME,
Windows 2000 and Windows XP in addition to earlier platforms.

Fixes included in the update distribution:

  Windows 2000 and XP long file name support fixes
  Windows 2000 and XP program nesting fixes
  Windows 2000 and XP debugging breakpoint fixes
  Windows NT, 2000 and XP sbrk address wrap fixes
  Windows ME fixes in rename and mkdir
  __dpmi_simulate_real_mode_procedure_retf_stack fix
  Symify fixes to prevent crashes on symbol interpretation
  Error message instead of crash if no selector for _dos_ds
  Termios read bug fix on STDIN
  Format fix in strftime
  Freopen will always reuse same handle
  Nesting will recover selectors (long makes should not fail)
  Itimer fix for usecs == 0
  Long path bug fixes (to prevent being treated as /)
  FSEXT fixes for dup and dup2
  Y2K fix in djasm

More details (and html links to updated distributions) are available from:

The files can also be retrieved using ftp from:

Some key GNU distributions have been rebuilt with the updated library
to make installs and building other packages easier on Windows 2000 and XP.

If you have a chance (or need any of the fixes mentioned) please try out
the new distributions.  If the distributions are an improvement over the
current distributions they will replace the files on Simtel.

        Maurice Lombardi
Laboratoire de  Spectrometrie Physique,
Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex     FRANCE
Tel: 33 (0)4 76 51 47 51
Fax: 33 (0)4 76 63 54 95
mailto:Maurice DOT Lombardi AT ujf-grenoble DOT fr

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