Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2001/01/29/16:23:25

From: "Tim Van Holder" <tim DOT van DOT holder AT pandora DOT be>
To: <djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: Test build of cvs available
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 22:25:11 +0100
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Reply-To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com

Hello all,

I've patched CVS to (hopefully) handle CRLF issues better (as discussed a while back).
It defaults to doing file i/o in binary mode, except for its own configuration files,
which are always read in text mode. It has a new option (either --crlf or --text),
that will default to text i/o, except for binary files (pretty much the way the current
cvs behaves out-of-the-box). This should allow this cvs to work with both MS-DOS and
Linux-based sandboxes, as well as hybrids (ie sandboxes that contain text files with
different EOL conventions, that need to have those conventions preserved).

There are two issues I'm aware of:

1) Diffs. By default, binary i/o is used, so if the sandbox file has CRLF, cvs diff
   will consider ALL lines to be different. Then again, that is also what cvs would
   do on Linux. As a workaround, 'cvs --text diff' will show the actually different
2) If you check in a tree using the default mode, CRLFs are preserved. This means
   that if you checjout such a tree in --text mode, you get CRCRLF line endings on
   those files (as the rcs files are always read in binary mode, and the files are
   written in text mode, turning the LFs into CRLF).
   This can be hacked around (WinCVS strips the extra CR if using the ntserver
   access method), but I'm not sure I want to do this as it will likely break
   something else (for one thing, using such a sandbox would likely screw up the
   file for those using the repository 'legitimately').

Anyway, you can get the file at
Any comments/bug reports/flames/etc are happily received.

Disclaimer: While probably safe, don't use this on sandboxes/repositories
containing critical data. Me no taka responsibility. Also, since it's a
DJGPP program, it may wipe your HD when you least expect it. So there.

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