Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2001/02/15/10:53:23

From: "Mark E." <snowball3 AT bigfoot DOT com>
To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com, eli Zaretskii <eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 10:45:22 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: O_TEMPORARY
Message-ID: <3A8BB342.6283.2F2411@localhost>
References: <3A8A98EE DOT 30071 DOT A8D978 AT localhost>
In-reply-to: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1010215131243.27892J-100000@is>
X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Win32 (v3.12c)
Reply-To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com

> Are there any other platforms which support this functionality?  How
> do these platforms document the behavior of this flag?  Where (in what
> situations) is this feature useful?

1) None that I'm aware of. 2) N/A. 3) For programs that use the Unixy 
open/remove feature like Bash. Perl uses O_TEMPORARY.
> Also, by ``Mingw32'' do you mean to say that this feature is supported
> by MSVCRT.DLL (or whatever the C run-time support is called)?


> > +     __o_temporary_files[to] = __o_temporary_files[from];
> > +     ++(__o_temporary_files[to]->ref_count);
> > +   }
> > + }
> I think this is wrong.  After a call to `dup', you have one file open
> on two different handles.  The above code leaves the ref_count of the
> old handle at 1, and sets the ref_count of the new handle to 2.  This
> means that if I close the old handle, the file will be deleted that
> very moment--probably not what you want.

I think I'm right. The first line of code above has both 'to' and 'from' 
point at the same structure. The next line then increments the ref_count 
pointed at by both handles.  Therefore it must be true that 
__o_temporary_files[to]->ref_count == __o_temporary_files[from]->ref_count.

> Similar problems will happen with the same file open more than once
> with the O_TEMPORARY attribute: 

> Another aspect that I think needs to be considered is the situation
> where the same file is opened once with O_TEMPORARY, and then again
> without O_TEMPORARY.

At least with Bash, these two problems wouldn't occur since it just replaces 
the workaround for the open/remove code.

I haven't tried O_TEMPORARY under Win32 so I can't say what happens there 
yet. But I would imagine it just sets a flag for the call to CreateFile and 
does nothing more.

> I think these considerations suggest that the data structure you use
> to hold the information should be redesigned, to avoid these kinds of
> lossage, and the code changed accordingly.

Perhaps I'm too close to be objective, but I don't what changes to the 
structure are to be made. What changes do you suggest?

> > + typedef struct
> > + {
> > +   unsigned char ref_count __attribute__((packed));
> > +   char filename[0] __attribute__((packed));
> > + } o_temporary_file_rec;
> Why did you pack the struct?  Wouldn't it be better to reverse the
> order of the struct members and leave out the packed attribute?

Because zero size arrays must be the last member of a struct according to 
gcc's documentation on zero size arrays.


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