Mail Archives: geda-help/2016/12/09/10:46:33
Essentially, what I'm trying to do is connect a pin or via
to a plane (e.g., ground plane) without thermal release
(i.e., solid connection).
If I only have ground plane and no other layer has copper
filling, then I simply set the clearance = 0 for the via.
However, if I have one ground plane and one Vcc plane
(or copper filling in the signal layer(s)), then the trick
doesn't work.
Can I accomplish this? Maybe instead of playing with
the clearance there may be a style for thermal that
makes a solid connection (or at least control over the
amount of thermal release, etc.)
Any tips? (a solution involving manually editing the
text file is perfectly fine)
The only "hack" I can think of is rather ugly: generate
Gerber files before and after changing the clearance to
zero; from the set generated after changing clearance
to zero, keep only the layer for which we want the
connection. (I'm hoping there will be a "cleaner" way;
this hack gets complicated if we have many different
connections to different planes!)
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