Mail Archives: geda-user/2014/10/16/13:43:55

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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
From: Enoch <ixew AT hotmail DOT com>
Subject: Re: [geda-user] SchemeIt
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:43:25 -0400
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Ouabache Designworks <z3qmtr45 AT gmail DOT com>

> On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Enoch <ixew AT hotmail DOT com> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     How do people here feel about collaboration tools such as:
>     It is being promoted even by the Open Hardware "BeagleBone Black"
>     project: (see "Fork me on Upverter").
>     It seems to me that geda needs to adapt to this new trend,
>     somehow... that is, develop "git" like capabilities at the abstraction
>     level of the shcematics (not at the primitive sch source lines level).
>     Adapt or Die :-)
>     Thanks, Enoch.
> 1) It costs $$$$$
> 2) You don`t buy it , you rent it. If the company fails then the tool stops working.
> 3) You can import from several formats but no mention of export. Welcome to the Hotel California.
> 4) If that company dies then they take all of your current and past work with them.
> Its all about the data. You must never lose access to any past design work that you have done
> John Eaton

Though Open Hardware projects they charge nothing I agree with you

What I am more interested in drawing the attention to is their
presumably easy collaboration at schmeatics ("data") level. Geda does an
impressive colaboration at tools, git and friends make it easy for
us. Generations of talented programmers keep this project alive for
years... but what about collaborative creation of data, the next
BeagleBone like design?

Suppose you and I work on a common design project, you move resistors
around, you change values, ... how am I supposed to see your changes, by
doing a diff on the sch or pcb ASCII files... I believe that Geda should start
adding tags to the sch and pcb which are related to version control.

In short, add revision control support within gschem, within pcb, etc.

Is this a pipe dream?

Thanks, Enoch.

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