Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/04/05/13:20:04

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Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 19:18:50 +0200
From: "Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] pcb: keyboard poll
References: <alpine DOT DEB DOT 2 DOT 00 DOT 1604040715260 DOT 7885 AT igor2priv>
In-Reply-To: <alpine.DEB.2.00.1604040715260.7885@igor2priv>
Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

gedau AT igor2 DOT repo DOT hu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in the middle of replacing menu.res with lihata in pcb-rnd. While 
> at it, I'm removing some code duplication between the gtk and lesstif 
> hids and moving some common input handling (mouse and keyboard binding 
> lookup).
> I noticed the lesstif HID supports multi-key sequences (like gschem). 
> I guess I could easily end up having the same support for the gtk HID 
> after the above mentioned refactoring. However, I am not sure how PCB 
> users use their menu.res in practice and how much hassle changing the 
> defaults would be for an user.
> If you are using PCB, please answer each question (on the list or in 
> private) by marking your choices with a + before the letter of the 
> choice. You can also include comments, but please try to keep them 
> short (or even consider running a new thread for them).
> If you want to answer to others' comments, please change the topic of 
> the mail and separate that answer from filling in the poll.
> 1. Do you use the lesstif HID? (select one)
> a. yes, exclusively
> b. yes, often
> c. sometimes, rarely
> d. never
> 2. If there were different menu resources files distributed with PCB, 
> would you try them? (select one)
> a. yes, I'd give each variant a try before deciding which one to use
> b. no, I'm fine with the default
> c. I don't know what a menu resource file is
> 3. Do you customize your menu resource file? (select one)
> a. yes, always (e.g. I have an own variant I use with all installation 
> of PCB)
> b. yes, sometimes, rarely (e.g. I once had to do something repeatedly 
> and added a key binding for that)
> c. never, I know where I'd perform the changes if I ever needed them 
> but defalts are good enough for now
> d. never, I don't know what a menu resource file is
> 4. If you do not costumize your menu resource file, it's because 
> (select zero or more):
> a. I don't need to
> b. the file is too long
> c. too many keys are taken, it's hard to find a free one
> d. I don't like the format of the file
> e. I don't like the idea of editing text config files, I want a GUI 
> for this
> f. I don't want to diverge from the default settings (e.g. because of 
> potetial hassle at a later upgrade)
> 5. Do you miss multi-key sequences from the GTK hid? (select one)
> a. yes, I'd prefer to use them over modifiers (ctrl, alt, shift)
> b. yes, I'd use them together with the modifiers
> c. maybe I'd use some
> d. no, I prefer modifiers
> e. I hate the idea so much that I'd even disable it compile time if 
> that was possible
> f. N/A, don't know
> 6. If the GTK hid supported multi-key sequences, would that change any 
> of your previous answers? (fill in zero or more with a letter)
> a. my new choice for 2. would be:
> b. my new choice for 3. would be:
> 7. slightly off-topic: vendor (drill) mapping also uses a resource 
> file. Do you use this feature? (select one)
> a. yes, often, many of my boards rely on vendor mapping and I maintain 
> my own resource files per vendor
> b. yes, sometimes, rarely (e.g. I needed it once...)
> c. no, I know how to use it but never needed it
> d. no, I know the feature exists and I know where to look it up but I 
> don't really know what exactly it can do or why I should bother
> e. no, I never heard about this feature
> TIA,
> Igor2
Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

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