Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/05/18/17:24:19

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Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 23:23:43 +0200
From: "Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] Freerouting?
References: <573C9E22 DOT 9050609 AT neurotica DOT com> <573CA1C7 DOT 3080402 AT iee DOT org> <573CA784 DOT 1060103 AT neurotica DOT com> <573CB7E6 DOT 607 AT xs4all DOT nl> <573CC53E DOT 5000207 AT neurotica DOT com> <573CCD4F DOT 1050905 AT xs4all DOT nl>
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com] 
> Dave McGuire (mcguire AT neurotica DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
>> On 05/18/2016 02:43 PM, Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl) [via
>> geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
>>> AFAICT, the freerouting web app ceased to exist thanks to Big EDA
>>> bullying the developer into retirement and off the internet
>>> (
>>    Damn suits.
>>> There are a couple of github repositories with the code (I recall
>>> written in java, and
>>>, each with a bunch of forks,
>>> some with development continuing ... YMMV.
>>> I'm willing to put effort into merging a DSN exporter (bit-rotting in a
>>> topic branch) into the master branch main stream pcb repository if, and
>>> only if, said exporter gets tested and feedback is shared (this 
>>> requires
>>> active involvement with patches or at least bug reports on Launchpad).
>>> On other thing that is needed, if this is to become a FOSS success
>>> story, is testing one of the github freerouter repositories.
>>    Ok, this would be a very good start.  However, if my understanding is
>> correct, this is all just academic unless we can also import Specctra
>> session files after routing, is this correct?
>>> I forked both Freerouting repositories mentioned above, but have to
>>> admit that I have little or no java coding skills (sorry, no fu).
>>    No worries, I can probably pick up the slack there.  However, it was
>> my impression that Freerouting was essentially finished.
>>> So this will require testing and working TOGETHER
>>    Please don't patronize; I'm not one of the people who is forking 
>> stuff
>> left and right.
>>> with another developer with java coding skills.
>>    I've done a lot of work in Java, but it has been about ten years 
>> since
>> I've touched it.  I can fix basic stuff if needed.
>>> Are you up for the challenge ?
>>    Yes.
>>            -Dave
> Hi Dave,
> I'm going to dig up that topic branch and brush off some dust.
> I didn't mean to patronize ... I just hope we both are reading on the 
> same page.
> Kind regards,
> Bert Timmerman.
Hi Dave,

I renamed/rebased the topic branch and dusted off some of the bit-rot ;-)

Three or so warnings left:

hid/dsn/dsn.c:153: warning: ‘centroid.ID’ is used uninitialized in this 
hid/dsn/dsn.c:153: warning: ‘centroid.Y2’ is used uninitialized in this 
hid/dsn/dsn.c:153: warning: ‘centroid.X2’ is used uninitialized in this 

I will look into that later.

The branch is: "home/bert/LP699471-rev1" in the pcb git repository on

"LP699471" refers to the Launchpad bug report.

You can download a zipfile frome here:

or if you prefer a tarball:

23:21 over here, so I'm going to take a nap ;-)

Kind regards, happy testing and hope to hear from you soon,

Bert Timmerman.

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