Mail Archives: geda-user/2016/11/20/12:45:01

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Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2016 18:43:01 +0100
From: "Bert Timmerman (bert DOT timmerman AT xs4all DOT nl) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
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To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com
Subject: Re: [geda-user] [pcb] Misc. Questions
References: <CAJZxidB+KF1DAG1bV7s6YKuDdUFDKnKMxSk2hUOenGoybkVrwQ AT mail DOT gmail DOT com>
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Reply-To: geda-user AT delorie DOT com

Chad Parker (parker DOT charles AT gmail DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
> Hi Bert-
> I have a couple of miscellaneous pcb related questions I want to ask 
> you since it seems like you're presently the leader of the pcb project.
> First, I haven't seen any notices recently about pcb code sprints. Is 
> that still happening?
> Second, it seems like there have been a lot of bug fixes since the 
> most recent release of pcb. It might be a good idea to do a release so 
> that some of the major distros get the updates in their packages. I 
> would be happy to help with this, but I'm not sure what all is involved.
> Third, over the last couple of months, you've almost certainly noticed 
> that I've identified and contributed fixes for a number of bugs. I've 
> found them as I've been working on a (not so) little "get to know pcb" 
> project. I think it's finally ready to share with the community, so I 
> was just wondering if you had any advice on the best way to do that. 
> Is it best to just blast it out onto the list, or is it better to 
> email a few of the developers individually to get their takes on it 
> and do some revisions before announcing it generally? I'm hoping that 
> it will ultimately be incorporated into master.
> My project is in the branch home/cparker/font_fun. You can probably 
> guess what I've implemented based on the name. I've put together a 
> system that allows for multiple fonts in a design and for easy 
> changing of fonts. It includes a page in the preferences window (of 
> the gtk hid) with tool tips to provide some usage help. I've tried to 
> do it in a style consistent with the current codebase. It's not quite 
> a complete feature branch as there are still some things I'm not sure 
> how to do, like, add files to the install. I'd be happy to describe 
> further if you're interested, or to document it all somewhere if you 
> can suggest where I ought to put the information.
> Thanks,
> --Chad
Hi Chad,

I do not consider myself the project leader for pcb ... I feel more like 
the last man standing ;-)

I was trying to contribute and do some other tasks of which the pcb 
project may profit, and the others started doing there own stuff, most 
of them out of necessity.

The last two months have been intense on my day job, so I gave pcb less 
attention than I have done before.

Anyway, your contributions are more than welcome.

And, as you may have noticed, some were pushed to master within days.

I do hold a "pcb monthly code sprint" on the last Sunday of each month 
(most of the times), the next is scheduled for November 27th, as noted on:

Most of the times it has been me, myself and I.

On other occasions people did contribute some patches with quite a lot 
of janitor work attached, so these are lingering ... I'm not the janitor 
;-)  ... and sometimes I just do these chores when I can't stand it any 
longer ;-)

A new release is one of those things that needs be done ... I've never 
done that myself, so have to find some spare cycles to dive into that 
task ... and some bugs remaining for which I think they should be 
squashed before a real release can be done ... in the mean time a 
Release Candidate (RC) might be a good idea to flush out any show stoppers.

I think pushing them contributions on git in a topic branch, a notice in 
the bug tracker on Launchpad and/or the mailing list should be enough to 
get attention, git cherry-pick makes including them into master easy-peasy.

I think the implementation of fonts not embedded in the pcb file itself 
is a feature that needs rigorously testing before it can emerge in a new 
release ... if at all.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

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