Mail Archives: geda-user/2017/02/10/15:31:39

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Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2017 21:29:19 +0100 (CET)
From: Roland Lutz <rlutz AT hedmen DOT org>
To: "John Griessen (john AT ecosensory DOT com) [via geda-user AT delorie DOT com]" <geda-user AT delorie DOT com>
Subject: Re: [geda-user] large difference in gnetlist error message between
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On Fri, 10 Feb 2017, John Griessen (john AT ecosensory DOT com) [via 
geda-user AT delorie DOT com] wrote:
> gnetlist -g drc2 kvboard.sch
> kvboard.sch:487x454: error: could not find refdes on component and could 
> not find net= attribute on pin
> It gives no clue as to which symbol has problems...

As the error message says, the refdes is missing, so there is no command 
line-friendly way to specify which symbol it is.  “kvboard.sch:487x454” 
means that the offending symbol was found in kvboard.sch at coordinate 
487x454 (an information which I added to the error message).

You probably either removed the refdes= attribute of a component by 
accident, or you created a power symbol (which doesn't has a refdes) and 
didn't set a net= attribute on its pin, so the power symbol doesn't work.

> When I use Vladimir's fork:
> Could not find refdes on component and could not find any special attributes!
> Possible attribute conflict for refdes: T1
> name: numslots
> values: (#f 0)
> Possible attribute conflict for refdes: T1
> name: numslots
> values: (#f 0)
> DRC errors found. See output file.

The other messages are unrelated to this error.  In fact, they are 
misleading because they state a non-error (the numslot= attribute being 
set on one component of a package and not on another).

> cat
> Checking non-numbered parts...
> ERROR: Reference not numbered: U?
> […]

This won't help you because “U?” is just the way gnetlist used to tell you 
it doesn't know the refdes.  It could also be that you added a component 
and forgot to change the default refdes from “U?”; with the old version of 
gnetlist, you can't tell.

> So, the conversion of gnetlist to python has left out a lot of usefulness.

As you can see, it hasn't.  However, your mail makes me aware of one thing 
I haven't thought about before: gnetlist doesn't touch the output file any 
more if there were netlisting errors because the generated file is 
probably broken and shouldn't replace the old file.  For DRC backends, 
however, it is probably desireable to overwrite the existing output even 
if there were errors.

How do you suggest solving this?  Should a backend whose name starts with 
“drc” always force an output file to be generated, even if there have been 
netlisting errors?

> so I'm using

The old version of gnetlist is still there in case you need it.  To enable 
it, just add (set! use-legacy-frontend #t) to your gnetlistrc file.


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