Int 31H Function 0401H

Get DPMI Capabilities [1.0]

Returns information about the capabilities of the DPMI host, including its support or lack of support for optional features in the DPMI Specification. Clients can use this information to optimize their use of system resources in the current environment.

Call With

AX = 0401H
ES:(E)DI = selector:offset of 128-byte buffer


if function successful
Carry flag = clear (this function always succeeds in DPMI 1.0)
AX = capabilities flags

00 = PAGED ACCESSED/DIRTY capability not supported
1 = PAGED ACCESSED/DIRTY capability supported
10 = EXCEPTIONS RESTARTABILITY capability not supported
1 = EXCEPTIONS RESTARTABILITY capability supported
20 = DEVICE MAPPING capability not supported
1 = DEVICE MAPPING capability supported
30 = CONVENTIONAL MEMORY MAPPING capability not supported
1 = CONVENTIONAL MEMORY MAPPING capability supported
40 = DEMAND ZERO-FILL capability not supported
1 = DEMAND ZERO-FILL capability supported
50 = WRITE-PROTECT CLIENT capability not supported
1 = WRITE-PROTECT CLIENT capability supported
60 = WRITE-PROTECT HOST capability not supported
1 = WRITE-PROTECT HOST capability supported
CX = reserved, must be 0
DX = reserved, must be 0
ES:(E)DI = selector:offset of 128-byte buffer filled in by host with information as follows:
01Host major version number as a decimal number
11Host minor version number as a decimal number
21-126ASCIIZ (null-terminated) string identifying the DPMI host vendor
if function unsuccessful
Carry flag = set (this function always fails in DPMI 0.9)


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